Saturday 18 March 2017


            It was a week after I returned home from Ife, two days after I sat in tears explaining my failures to my parents, I woke to my father telling me to dress up. The only other information I got was that we were going out. I didn’t ask for more. I was taught better. Even though my head was swarming with questions, the chances that I would get an answer were slim to none. My father didn’t talk much, he didn’t like to be questioned either. My mother asked where we were going and I shrugged. She got no reply from my father but she, especially, was used to this. We took a cab to a riverine area in Ikorodu. He led with short fast strides and I followed behind; partly because I didn’t know our destination but mostly because I was much taller than he was and walking beside him gave a disharmonious picture. The vicinity seemed to be dominant with white garment wearing people. Most of the children had hair clustered in a bunch-like-sponge. With their garments and dreadlocks I could almost see them; bells in hand, head bopping up and down like in a disco, imitating what they have come to learn as divination. You see my father was born into a family of ‘the garments’. I say ‘the garments’ because they didn’t really restrict their colour of gowns to white. My mother had turned him catholic through marriage, yet he retained his superstitious and prophetic beliefs. So I wasn’t surprised when we turned a corner to a wooden church; suspended over a laky mash of water.

 A light skinned young man in a pair of jeans and collar shirt leads us in. It took me a while to realize the young man was the pastor. After asking my father a few questions, he stared at me and I looked right back at him. He squint his eyes in a manner that implied he was seeing something that neither my father nor I could and proceeded with asking me questions which I replied reluctantly and curtly to. His verdict was that some people were doing everything in their power to bring me down. He failed to specify who these people were but he blamed them for my failed education and other failures. My father nodded slowly; the way one did when they totally agreed with an opinion. It didn’t occur to him that I might have failed because he dissuaded me from the course I wanted to study, or because I wasn’t interested in the course I was given. It couldn’t have been that I lost interest in going to classes because I was always out of money and didn’t eat well. It couldn’t have been because their domineering parenting made me socially awkward and I had authority issues so I couldn’t relate with my mates and older people especially lecturers.

The pastor said I had a close female friend who envied me and wanted my ruin. I had no female friends. He advised me against a fair boy who was taking advantage of me and at this point I was almost tempted to ask, ‘which one?’ I watched him watch me to get a reaction but I remained stoic, although my insides were mixed with anger, sarcasm, regret and some buoyancy. He ended the session with some directions on prayers to say along with some rites and my father listened aptly. We had a quarrel about the rites later on. By quarrel, I mean, he shouted at me about not adhering to the rites. Eventually, we met somewhere in between because I realized this was his way of showing that he cared enough to try to fix me. I had to look past the fact that I was broken china and he was trying to stick me back together with cello tape. I had to look past the fact that he had believed and told my mother that I was an alcoholic, because the pastor had told him so even though the only things I was addicted to was chocolate and coffee. I met him halfway because he is father. 

Tuesday 6 December 2016

What A Smile Does

In a bid to re-vamp my writing and spread some joy, I decided to post something from way back when I was in school. Don't worry I'll spare you the promises to write often. I only hope y'all can forgive me.


It was just another day when I wake up; take a moment to gather myself, before my itinerary for the day reveals itself to me. As a student, my agenda wasn’t exactly exciting. It included the same old stuff repeated over and over again except for days when good gist comes along, or a fight happens, or some school drama that’s just thrilling enough to make you feel like there was more to life as a student. There was no bounce in my composure that day, no excitement… no oomph. As I walked down to school, lots of thoughts evaded my mind; things I had to do, things I had given up on doing, things that I had done that went wrong and things I needed to do to fix them. It was so obvious I was going to be on my stoic/uninterested/unsmiling mood.

I was just hoping my mood wouldn’t get any worse than it already was when I noticed a mini-van slowly driving towards me in an effort to reduce the effect of the bumps the rough road created. I looked into the car and saw a Lebanese man and a woman who appeared to be his wife, and in the back seat; two little girls. The older one was about five, had her hair tied in buns, and I could see the braces on her teeth because she was waving and smiling. It took a moment before I realised she was waving and smiling at me and instinctively I smiled and waved back. Her reaction to my response was funny; she bounced repeatedly on the car seat; laughing and gave another wave before they drove farther out of sight. I realised in less than a minute that my mood had changed from indifferent to happy all because of a tiny pretty girl’s smile. She might have been clueless but she had just made one more person happy, which goes to say that a smile is contagious.

A smile is a depiction of happiness; everything about it screams joy.  Generally a smile signifies acceptance especially when it comes with a greeting. It is a basic and instinctive reaction to pleasure, humour, beauty, fantasy, gifts, art and another smile. It is so basic that even a baby before learning speech or signs knows how to smile to pleasing sights. A smile might not be the answer to a problem but it sure makes one look more beautiful.  Some study uncovered that a smile can trick ones brain into believing one is happy. Even when you fake it, if you smile often enough, you end up rewiring your brain to make positive patterns more often than it does negative ones. So do not hesitate to smile even when it is faked; apparently it does no harm but good to the receiver and the giver.  Another up-side is that people who smile a lot appear to be more likeable, courteous and competent. Therefore, it is advisable to smile at people you wish to do business with or even for; like your boss.

So what makes you smile? Is it a happy child; like me, or a dog playing fetch, two people bumping into each other, the sunset, a rainbow, a dance, a speech, a friend, a drama, flowers or a hug? Whatever rows your boat, be sure to keep a mental picture of it so that you can keep that smile up every day. A few popular personalities gave their definitions and opinions about a smile; Phyllis Diller says a smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Douglas Horton says it is free therapy. Denise Waitley says “a smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. You may wonder why you have to care for the next person; why you have to make someone else happy, but need I remind you what goes around truly come around and we can’t deny the need to be happy. It is a basic necessity that people fail to mention after food, clothing and shelter. Conclusively, Leo Buscaglia offers a general sight of this when he say, “ too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.



Friday 26 August 2016


I am angered.
The economy is worse than when i went to bed last night.
It is a nightmare. it's like we are making all the efforts to survive and someone somewhere is testing our limit.
Like, they whisper "let's see how much they can stand" and "if they could survive that... What about this?" and they set their mechanics to play and watch on their large screens how we gnash and lament and eventually shove it off to continue; adjusting yet again after barely getting used to the earlier condition.
At intervals they burst out in laughter when two young boys, in the bid to let out all that bottled -up frustration, decide to burst bottles in a duel.
Or a girl finally succumbs to the advances of an old senator.
They follow their laughter with words like "i told you, all of them are the same." or " i really thought she would hold off another week or so. so fast? see sharp babe o!"
In all this turmoil, we go ahead and blame these incidents on demons and evil spirits and flock to church so our pastor can wave them off.
Our pastors who see the situation we live in and swear to themselves never to go back to where they started or suffer with the masses, as so increase the number of offerings we dance to the altar to offer.
they continuously insist that the reason we suffer is because we have failed to activate God's intervention in our lives which can only come through tithe offerings.
We therefore, sway our hips with exaggerated smiles on our faces as we invest more and more in the life of the pastor, momentarily forgetting what that tithe could do in the daily lives of our families; but it is okay because God would triple and quadruple it.
I'd believe that if the church used these money right; fed the hungry, clothed the naked, healed the sick and harboured the homeless.
But NO...all that money goes to erecting more unnecessary structures, buying cars and gadgets, helicopters and private jets; liabilities that scream the same VANITY that the bibles, they so lovingly hold to their chest, preach against.

Monday 2 May 2016

not a stiff in sight

I need batteries for my toy so it goes buzz,

Not just a pack, need a carton batteries.

Purchasing better toy is wise too;

One of those shaped and textured

Like the bulge they are meant to represent.

Better still em grand toy machines,

Bet one could save for that;

They work you up real good

Preventing muscle growth in dominant hand

Or need for an assistant.

Another thought; Chicas should be let in

They provide warmth toys can’t

On a plus, the added symphony of their screams.

My name on their lips,

The beautiful wave it sends drizzling through ny nerves

Intensifying my motion to please.

Ain’t nothing more melodious

A female’s utterance in pleasure.

Ahha! And we play my toys too.


Thursday 17 March 2016


I see the problem, I see the direction but I do not see a solution…yet.

Is there a legal system in our country? We talk about corruption being the problem and that even those in the legal system are themselves corrupt and without shame for destroying the same rules they were sworn in to protect. If this is the case, then where do we begin? Can there be a solution to a man’s compromised mind? It’s just like asking if there is a cure to madness. Some people say there isn’t a cure but it can be managed, but BY WHO in this case? Another man who will most probably get corrupt while managing the corruption? Are we totally consumed in this filth? Do we have to send for the white man again to come direct us? Maybe the female politician, ADUNI OLUWOLE was right after all about our gaining independence too early. Or do we invite the military to force us to do the right thing on the condition of death?

And as things get worse so are the churches increasing in number, more divisions, more pastors and vision seers. WHO CHECKS WHO? For the institutions set up to help the people now take from the people. The pyramid of wealth keeps getting fuller at the bottom and thinner at the top. Desperation sets in; the insurgents are killing and they aren’t killing the bourgeoisie for they are not found in the common markets, churches and mosques. It is the common man like you and I struggling to get the cheapest price for items in the busy market, you and I who walk to the churches and mosques so as to look up to God/Allah for some certain favour, probably for a miracle and change in present status.

A lot of us relax and go about our daily chores thinking it won’t affect us if we just keep doing what we are doing. We forget that we are a whole body as a nation. Unlike the wound in the toe which the rest of the body feels for some time but finally heals, what we are experiencing now is a VIRUS. Yes, it only started in one part but what viruses do when unchecked is spread through the whole body till the body is rendered useless. I don’t want Nigeria to be useless, because I AM NIGERIAN; not female or Igbo or educated or Christian but, first, NIGERIAN. WE ARE ALREADY TOGETHER; we might as well try to be UNITED. You think it doesn’t change much but try being less judgmental of people because of their gender, tribe, religion or mental capacity and watch how the good virus spreads. It always begins with YOU. No political party can save us, only COMPASSION can.


Friday 20 November 2015


This was inspired by the movie "LUCY". You'd understand it better if you see the movie. Totally fiction people. judge less. 

            He had a partner from ‘LUCY’, a female version of Himself. He had wanted someone (a helper) too. When He created for one for Adam (man), He hadn’t thought of Himself but over time, He came to like these creatures, even adore them. He eventually decided it wouldn’t hurt to have one but in order to have one, she had to be distinct. She couldn’t be as ordinary as his other creations. He had given them ability to access only 10%. He had felt they wouldn’t be able to do much damage with that little but then humans always are humans. With as little capacity as 10%, they have still found ways to destroy their habitat, make living unsuitable to others and channeling resources only to a few and these are just the ones that use close to their full capacity. The many others who hardly bother to discover their potentials do worse; they turn to violence out of frustration, malice and envy. Some have even taken killing as a hobby and pronounce that they do it in His name and that hurts the most. It hurts that His creation could become pure evil; they oozed darkness and distorted his landscape with their dark-dotted hearts.

            This was probably why He had created her. To take his mind off these hurting sights and at the moment she was doing a good job. She was a constant thorn in His flesh (when He decided to have one) while still being amazing. He had given her 90% access but constantly made her believe she was a 100% like Him. Of course He didn’t have to lie about it, after all He is God, and He never does. It was for safety reasons anyway; just in case she was to get a bit out of hand, He’d still have the upper hand plus the universe really only needed one true God. He sometimes questioned His decision in giving her up to 90%, maybe 50% would have been enough but He had wanted a being close to Him. One that would have knowledge of the bodies and firmaments and of the unseen, even the beginning and no human could process that easily, not even with 50%.

            So yes, 90% was apt; close but not close enough to dominate, lower but not too low as not to understand Him. She had been His vacation, companion and friend so much so that even on days she was being difficult, He never regretted His wisdom in her creation. Although He didn’t like it when she made him alter things He’d rather leave in place; touch the lives of people when He’d rather let them figure things out themselves, but He also understood that she was emotional after all, He had made her out of the female fold. He had thought it adequate since His creations always referred to Him as a He. Of course He was many things; a He and a She included but the reference had stuck and grown on Him that He now also referred to Himself as a He too.

            He felt her presence now and turned to acknowledge her. She had taken another form as she always likes to do; pleasing His sight with His many creative forms. This time she looked Caucasian and African at the same time. This was a beautiful blend and He momentarily thought of making a race out of this mix. He wondered when next He would see her true form for He knew she only showed her true form on special occasions. He had another momentary thought of making a new phenomenon occur but decide to wait. He reached for her and her form hands touched His and He knew and said that this was good.


I hold my head up high cos I know

Yeah I hear the whispers. I see the mean stares

Your smile is so tight. You are really terrible at faking it.

You didn’t have to turn your back to roll your eyes; I saw it coming

I hold my head up high cos I know

I know what I want and don’t settle for less

I don’t rush it to beat others and end up stumbling on the way

You don’t like that I am comfortable in my own skin cos you aren’t in yours

I hold my head up high cos I know

That my mistakes don’t define me they only make me better

You talk about them and dwell on them, wasting your time

You make all sorts of jokes about em while I move on,

 I hear you sniggering

Yet I hold my head up high cos I know

That you hate me for pushing you

For making you leave your comfort zone

You felt humiliated, strained and naked

But to achieve greatness you have to go through these

I hold my head up high cos I know

That you believe you can only make it by working against me

Or without my knowledge

If only you knew the greatness that could be achieved together

I hold my head up high cos I know

That being different is a success on its own

I offered that you be different with me

But you were scared and instead of saying so,

You turned it to hate

I hold my head up high because I know

I know that I still love you all regardless

My motivation is love and in me dwells a well full of it

But in loving others, I love myself the most

And I know you know this

Do you know now why I hold my head up high?